
  1. Preamble
  2. Website Ownership
  3. Copyright and Trademarks
  4. No Offer or Advice
  5. Exclusion of Liability
  6. Disclaimer of Warranty
  7. Links
  8. Material Interests
  9. Confidentiality and Encryption
  10. Proper Use of the Website
  11. Registration and Use of Your Activities on the Website
  12. Definitions
  13. Place of Jurisdiction
  14. Partial Nullity and Choice of Law
  15. Terms and Conditions relating to Collective Investment Schemes

1. Preamble

RAM Active Investments SA ("RAM") offers on its website (hereinafter “the website”) information as well as various financial services. The accessing and use of the website are governed by the Important Legal Information (hereinafter “the Terms and Conditions”) set out herein. These Terms and Conditions shall be supplemented by any and all special agreements applying in connection with a service or product offered by RAM where you or your representative (hereinafter “you”) act in a capacity as contracting party. Nevertheless, in the event of any conflict, the provisions contained in any such special agreement shall prevail.

By accessing and using the website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, you accept that RAM may, at any time and without any prior notice requirement, alter the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, do not access or use the website in any way whatsoever.

Persons who, by reason of their nationality or domicile or for any other reason, are subject to foreign regulations prohibiting access to investment instruments via the Internet or any other electronic distribution channel, or prohibiting or restricting the use of any information or functions provided on the website are not permitted to either access or use the website.

2. Website Ownership

The website is the exclusive property of RAM. RAM’s proprietary rights shall not be altered in any way by any reproduction or use of the website.

4. No Offer or Advice

All the information provided, in particular the opinions and analyses published on the website, is provided for information purposes only and SHOULD IN NO EVENT BE CONSTRUED AS AN OFFER, A PIECE OF ADVICE OR A RECOMMENDATION to buy or sell a particular security or to engage in any transaction whatsoever; nor should the information provided be construed as advice of any other type, for example of a fiscal or legal nature.

All of the investment decisions you take shall be based exclusively on your own assessment of your financial situation and your investment goals, as well as on your own personal interpretation of the information available, in particular the opinions and analyses published on the website. You are solely responsible for such decisions.

Investments in securities featuring on the website are subject to certain risks. The price of securities may go down as well as up. Fluctuations in foreign exchange rates can also alter the value of securities. The future performance of a security cannot be guaranteed by past performance. It is therefore possible that you do not get back the amount you invest. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE BEFORE TAKING INVESTMENT DECISIONS.

5. Exclusion of Liability

Neither RAM, its directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders, nor third party information providers, their directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders will assume ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, be they direct or indirect, incurred as a result of accessing the website or using the information and services available on the website, or as a result of the inability to access or use any information or services available on the website.

6. Disclaimer of Warranty

RAM pays particular attention to the preparation and update status of the data provided. Nevertheless, it does not warrant or guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, the quality, pertinence, accuracy, completeness, update status, availability or legality of the information published on the website. Furthermore, information may be changed at any time without any prior notice being required.

8. Material Interests

RAM, its directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders may have or have had business relationships or other forms of dealings with companies whose securities feature on the website. Furthermore, RAM, its directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders may hold or have held securities which feature on the website.

9. Confidentiality and Encryption

Your attention is drawn to the fact that the data exchanged between yourself and RAM is transmitted via open, public networks (such as the Internet) that are not subject to any controls or reviews. The data transferred may travel beyond Switzerland’s borders, even if both yourself and RAM are located in Switzerland. In addition, even if the data transmitted is encrypted, it may not necessarily stay encrypted for the entire duration of the transmission, nor may it necessarily remain encrypted at your end: it is possible that data may be intercepted.

Furthermore, you hereby declare that you have taken note that the legislation applicable in your country may prohibit or restrict the importing, exporting or use of encryption algorithms. In no event shall RAM be responsible for any violations of measures governing the importing, exporting or use of encryption algorithms. You alone shall be responsible in the event of any such violation.

Lastly, your attention is drawn to the fact that information transmitted electronically, e.g. by e-mail, is in principle not encrypted and may be intercepted.

10. Proper Use of the Website

You undertake to use the website in a proper and reasonable manner, and not to misuse the website in any way or use it in such a way as might occasion, for example, the overloading of the website, any delay in the transmission of information, any interruption of service, blockage of access to the website or any other effect detrimental to RAM or to the users of its website.

11. Registration and Use of Your Activities on the Website

Please note that RAM may record and analyze all your activities on the website for the purposes of security, system monitoring, management, marketing and compliance with legal and regulatory obligations incumbent on RAM.

RAM undertakes to store such information using adequate security measures and for a limited period of time.

12. Definitions

The following definitions have been used for the purposes of the Terms and Conditions specified herein:

“website”: all web pages designed and managed by RAM, as well as any and all information, services, products, software, tools, functions and links available thereon;

“information”: including, but not limited to, all data, prices, opinions, calculation results, technical analyses, articles, charts and other elements available on the website;

“security”: including, but not limited to, cash, stocks, bonds, investment fund units, financial instruments and goods or commodities of any sort, as well as all forms of contracts and options associated therewith;

“U.S. Person”: any US American corporate entity or person that is defined in Regulation S of the "United States Securities Act" of 1933.

13. Place of Jurisdiction

The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions stipulated herein and/or the use of the website is Geneva, Switzerland. RAM nevertheless reserves the right to initiate proceedings against you before the competent court at your domicile or any other competent authority.

14. Partial Nullity and Choice of Law

In the event of one of the Terms and Conditions being void, cancelled or rendered otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining Terms and Conditions shall not be affected or impaired. In all other instances, the Terms and Conditions as well as the use of the website are exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law.

15. Terms and Conditions relating to Collective Investment Schemes

RAM offers on its website information relating specifically to collective investment schemes (hereinafter also called “investment funds”). Access to and use of this information is governed by the following terms and conditions (hereinafter also called the “Terms and Conditions”).

This Site contains information on investment funds registered and managed in different jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to ascertain that you are authorised to access to investment funds pages.

You will be required to indicate your place of residence before being allowed to access information relating to the said investment funds. Please note that access by private investors to the said information shall be limited to the investment funds authorised for sale to the public in their country of residence. Consequently, your access is limited to funds registered for sale in your country of residence.

Furthermore, the investment funds information is not addressed to U.S. Persons. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you declare that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, you are not authorised to access this information.

Furthermore, YOU UNDERTAKE TO READ CAREFULLY THE LATEST PROSPECTUSES, IN PARTICULAR THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEY CONTAIN, the Key Investor Information document (KIID), THE REGULATIONS AND THE ANNUAL AND INTERIM REPORTS relating to the investment funds you wish to invest in. In this connection, you can order the latest prospectuses, the regulations and the annual and interim report from RAM or from the management companies of the investment funds or their representatives in each country where the funds are incorporated or registered, or find them on their respective websites.

The value of investments may be subject to fluctuations and, under certain circumstances, investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not an indication or guarantee of the future performance of the investment. The risk factors are described in the fund prospectuses. The performance shown does not take account of any commissions or costs charged when subscribing to or redeeming units. For hedged shareclasses, only the investment fund's consolidation currency is hedged into the shareclass currency. Foreign exchange exposure, resulting from assets in the portfolio which are not denominated in the consolidation currency, can remain. Finally, changes in foreign-exchange rates may also cause the value of investments to go up or down.